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The Fagor Group has just approved its sustainability strategy named Fagor 2030. Thanks to it, sustainability will play a fundamental role in both the Group’s governance and strategy. In the same way, Fagor has established a new motto for this new stage: Working for a better future. As a whole, it will focus on the objective of continuing to be a competitive, innovative and democratic group, taking care of its people and the planet, but we also want to reinforce our commitment to our territory. At the same time, inter-cooperation will become the cornerstone in the development of this new strategy. Specifically, the process for executing our sustainability strategy will be based on collaboration with different entities, including the Mondragón Corporation, universities, public institutions and the community.

In this way, the Fagor Group is committed to renewing the cooperative project. This is how Aritz Otxandiano Kanpo, responsible for sustainability in Fagor Group, explains it: “We like to take responsibility for the challenges that society faces. We want to connect with the concerns and aspirations of the new generations and, for that, we have to modernize our cooperative project”.

Five axes, a single strategy

The Fagor 2030 sustainability strategy is built on five main axes, each of which has its own strategic objectives:


Fagor wants to transform the business model to continue creating jobs in the context of a digital, decarbonized and circular economy. Digitization and decarbonization are expected to have a major impact on the industry, so in order to remain competitive, the cooperative group will need to adapt both the business and production models as well as the product portfolio. For this, innovation and anticipation are essential.


The Fagor Group wants to continue improving and developing its democratic governance model. Ultimately, our main hallmark is the democratic governance based on this fundamental principle: one member, one vote. We are commited to continue improving, among other things, by giving adequate training to the people chosen for the different bodies and by deepening a co-responsible cooperative culture.


Fagor aims to create suitable contexts so that people can give their best. The group considers that this is a cornerstone for the competitiveness of businesses and, therefore, it intends to create contexts that favor the involvement and commitment of people, promoting, among other values, teamwork, the balance of personal and professional life, equality between women and men, health care for the Group members or the standardization of the Basque language.


To face the climate emergency, the Fagor Group intends to reduce its carbon footprint, so that it can meet the objectives set in the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal. “In order to face the climate emergency and not jeopardize the well-being of future generations, everyone must take responsibilities and make commitments”, clarifies the Group’s head of sustainability.


The Fagor Group wants to keep being involved in the transformation of the territory of which it is a part. Our commitment with our community has always being a key part of the Group from the beginning, and we want it to continue to be so in the future as well. To this end, through the Fagor 2030 sustainability strategy and in collaboration with the rest of the agents, the Fagor Group will continue to be involved in the challenges of this territory, with the aim to achieve a more self-organized, inclusive and sustainable society.

Looking ahead. Changes for the future

The Fagor 2030 sustainability strategy will set the future path of the Fagor Group. According to Otxandiano, the Group has assumed a series of commitments with the approval of this strategy, so in the next few years we will have to work hard to fulfill them: “We have established certain commitments, challenges and objectives. We have arranged a course and the roadmap to follow, and now it’s time to navigate that road”. In fact, we have already started walking it. For example, in 2020, sustainability reports have been prepared in most of the Group’s cooperatives. In these reports, among other issues, the carbon footprint has been measured. And thanks to this data, the Group will be able to define its objectives to reduce CO2 emissions.